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Battle of the Somme
Battle of the Somme by KelticDead Music
Battle of the Somme as KDM Broadside
All the tunes and songs are played with live, acoustic instruments,
and the musicians who participate follow this sheet music to create
the audio (compiled in the
As the original tune was for bagpipes, I re-arranged the KDM sheet
music with a 9/8 time signature (slip jig), but I provided the rhythm
with an almost march-like feel to the melody. This approach also
helps to keep the sheet music in the Celtic format.
As for instruments, I used an Irish-tuned, low octave mandolin (aka
“Irish Bouzouki”), a Kerry Mezzo D whistle, and an MK1 Low-D
Earnie Taft
provided two fiddle melodies, and
Linda King
provided the guitar support.
KDM Broadside Continued …
When the British command realized the failure on July 1
, they
launched another artillery barrage starting on July 15
. This time they
targeted the Bazentin Ridge in the northern part of the Somme.
Continued …
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